Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Family Farmers available?

Family Farmers is available in United States and Canada right now but we're expanding our operations to Europe, Australia, and other countries very soon. Follow us on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages to get regular updates.

How do I get started?

Start by signing up with an email address and a password. You will then be redirected to the quick sellers' onboarding process. Enter your farm name and select the subscription you want to signup for. We recommend you connect your Stripe account and update your farm settings before starting to list your items for sale.

How do I get paid?

We offer both online and offline payment methods. You must connect your Stripe account before you can start accepting online payments. For online payments, you get paid right away in your Stripe account. For offline payments, you can accept CashApp, Venmo, Cheque, Interac e-Transfer, or Cash on delivery.

How does loyalty points work?

Loyalty points are cash-like store points. You can send promotional store points to your customers or offer points as rewards for your products. Points are redeemable in 10,000 increments and 10,000 points are equal to $10.00. For CSAs points are available after the completion of the CSA. Reward points are sent to the customer after 14 days of checkout.

How does your pricing plans work?

Our pricing plans are quite simple with no other hidden fees. You can either signup for a yearly plan and save or signup for a monthly plan. You get 1 month free trial on a new subscription. With each plan, you get a certain number of free orders and after that, there's a small fee for each new order that you get.

How do I integrate Mailchimp?

There's no need for any email service providers. We have a completely free built-in system that you can use for sending emails to your customers. Alternatively, you can also export your customer's emails and import them to any email service provider.

Can I message my customers?

Yes and we encourage you to use our message system and keep in touch with your customers. Our message system works just like any other chat system. Push notifications are sent in new messages to all your staff members and customers. You can also disable the message system anytime you want.

Can I refund my customers?

Yes, you can refund your customers a partial or full amount for online transactions anytime from within our order management system. Customers are informed of all refunds. For offline orders, you must manually process all your refund requests.

Can I change order totals?

When you get a new order, you always have the option to accept or reject it. For online payments, payment is authorized for 3 days and charged only when you accept the order, saving you the refund fees in case of unavailability of the items. You can also change the order amount when you accept the new order. For subscriptions, you can always change the recurring amount.

Is there any fees on invoices?

Invoices are completely free. You can create unlimited invoices and send them to your customers. You always get email and in app notifications when your customer pays amount due.

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